Ready-Mix Concrete and 3D Construction Printing in the Demonstration Building

The Ready-mix Concrete materials used in the recent demonstration build have been thoroughly tested to ensure they fully comply with the Irish Building Regulations and material standards.

The team involved in producing, testing and installing the material discuss specific requirements to progress from the initial concept to a completed project.

Thomas Holden, Technical Manager from Roadstone Ltd., sheds light on the standards that have been met.

Barry Gilroy, General Manager from Mattest has tasked his team with carrying out a testing protocol that aims to ensure precision and quality.

Jandré Oosthuizen, Materials Engineer at, highlights the vital role of conforming to EN206 in advancing 3DCP.


Unlocking the Future of 3D Construction Printing: Conversations at the Crossroads of Concrete and 3D Tech (E1)


What is 3D Construction Printing?